A new discovery on these – otherwise “excellent”, as you can read in my previous post – language courses! On top of all the problems and shortcomings I amply described and explained before. But this one is so excellent that I can’t resist but share it with you. You can find it at the beginning of Section 6 Unit 11 of the English-German course.

What is the difference between this:

“schreiben sie auf dass ich fünfhundert euro in der tasche hatte”

and this:

“Schreiben Sie auf, dass ich 500 Euro in der Tasche hatte.”

The fact aside that the courses, thankfully, make no difference between small and capital letters, they accept sentences with or without commas, fullstops or even question marks, it is that in one, the number is written in letters.

Yet, one is not accepted – I tried a couple of times, just to be sure. Guess which one…

By P.S.